Friday, February 19, 2010

I don't condone what Tiger did, but guess what???

I'm not a fan of Tiger Wood's as a person nor have I ever been! I've had the "pleasure" of being up close with Tiger and seeing first hand the arrogance that made him think he was invincible. I watched that same arrogance propel him to victory in competition. He is undoubtedly the greatest golfer to ever pick up clubs, even if he is not the squeaky clean "moral compass" most thought he was.

Tiger screwed up BIG TIME! He's embarrassed his wife, jeopardized his family, both physically and emotionally, and has most certainly disappointed his mother. To them he owes his apologies. They're the ones that he promised fidelity and respectability, not the the companies who have made millions from his endorsement, not the fans who have watched him play with passion and integrity each and every time he's stepped on the green, and certainly not the media, who "ASSUMED" he would be, "Mr. Clean",crowned him as such, and sat him on a pedestal reserved for our celebrated deity's, otherwise known as celebrities.

I don't condone what Tiger did, but guess what??? He's human! And as such he will make GREAT decisions and POOR decisions. But who are we to judge???? Who are we to say his public apology wasn't "good enough"? Who are we to constantly rehash his mistake and comment about whether his wife should stay or leave? Tiger's wife and mother are the only ones with the right to chastise him. God is the only one who has the right to judge him. The rest of us need to be thankful that our lives aren't subjected to the white, hot, spotlight of fame, because the scandal that could be dug up in some of our backyards, might make Tiger's situation look tame. We should all think about that before giving our commentary.


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